Only via the website ( no registration the day of the competition)
- Monday 13/06/22 – 10h00 : Closing of the registrations
- Thursday 16/06/22 – 20h00 : Start lists online
- 1 hour before your event: Series and lane allocation (on the spot)
Confirmation of participation: athletes must bring their identity documents when they go to the secretariat to validate their presence on the day of the meeting, at the latest 90 minutes before the time of the event.
- The registration of a participant is validated if the following 2 points are respected:
- his online registration has been completed before the closing date for registrations
- the payment of the participation fee has been completed at the latest within 24 hours after the closing date of the registration. (Proof must be sent by e-mail if payment is made in the last 72 hours before the registration deadline)
- A participant who is not included in the programme will be refunded within 14 days.
- A participant will be refunded within 14 days if he cancels his registration before Thursday 16/6/22 at 16h00
- The organiser reserves the right to :
- To register, after the official deadline, certain athletes who request it.
- To close the registrations earlier if the maximum number of athletes is reached
- The registration validates the agreement with the use of image rights by the organiser of any athlete or person present on the day of the event in full compliance with RGPD regulations.
- SEN-JUN-SCO-CAD : 7€ / event
- BEN-PUP-MIN : 3€ / event
Some events are limited in the number of participants:
- Track: no limitation
- Throws: 10 participants
- Jumps: 10 participants
- Pole vault: 10 participants
For the selection and distribution of the series/lanes, the organization takes into account the SB 2022.*
*The organization has the right to authorize exceptions according to the SB 2021 and the PB.
- Middle/Long Distance: Victor Boin Warm-up Stadium
- Sprint Races: King Baudoin Stadium (Bend between 100m and 200m) & Victor Boin Warm-up Stadium
- Shot put and Javelin: Throwing field in the Victor Boin warm-up stadium
- Long Jump, Pole vault, Highjump: In the King Baudouin Stadium +/- 1 hour (depending on the event) before the start of the event.
- Complaints concerning the equipment or the installations must be addressed to the referee, as soon as they are noticed.
- Complaints concerning the performance, classification or disqualification of an athlete shall first be made orally to the referee, within 30′ of the announcement of the result of the event concerned.
- When an oral complaint is not accepted, a written complaint may be submitted to the Field Referee, within 30 minutes of the rejection of the oral complaint. He will convene an appeal panel.
- In order for the field referee to assess whether the complaint has been lodged within the time limits imposed, the organizers will ensure that each result is announced at the end of the event, either by microphone or by display in an easily accessible place.
- The exact time of the announcement of the results is mentioned on the results.
- Complaints against a referee or other member of the jury concerning the application or interpretation of the rules must be lodged within ten clear days from the day after the meeting.
- In order to be admissible, the complaints mentioned in this point must be signed by two administrators, including the president or the secretary of the circle, and sent by registered mail to the secretary general or deposited against receipt at the L.B.F.A. secretariat. Except in cases of fraud duly established, any complaint outside the time limit is inadmissible.
- Complaints lodged with the L.B.F.A. are examined either by the French-speaking Officials’ Commission, or by the Board of Directors, or by the Board of Directors. It is without appeal.The B.D. is empowered to proceed with any rectification of the classification of a match, within the limits of the application of the provisions of the present chapter, either on its own initiative or following the examination of a complaint. After the examination of complaints and possible corrections, the general rankings are established and communicated by the organizer. Except in cases of fraud, they are final.
The organiser shall provide throwing implements for each competition.
The athlete wishing to throw with his own implement must come to have it weighed at the latest 60 minutes before the beginning of the competition. The throwing implement will be certified by the official appointed for this purpose. From that moment on, the athlete may only collect it at the beginning of the competition.